Eating well, eating Healthy and Eating Great is our main aim.

Herbal Teas
A fine selection of Herbal Teas for every mood or ailment. Detox your system, or you need to boost your Immune System, Or to simply Balance your hormones? Browse our store to find the ideal tea for you.

Herbal Salts
Our Sea Salt has been blended with herbs . Not only does it taste good, but its the healthier option to normal salt. Choose between Original or with Chilli or with Black Pepper corns.... Whichever you choose, they're tasty!

Vegetable Flours
So.... You're trying to avoid normal flour? Choose from our flours made from Cauliflower or Brocolli. Perfect for pastas, or wraps...

Lentil Flours
Lentils are high in protein. and make perfect dough for quick fix wraps.

Choose from our range of Healthy Oils. Olive Oil, Avocado Oil , Almond Oil etc.....
We love to give you mouth watering options.

Honey & Butters
Pure Honey, Less Preservatives, No Added Sugar.
Pure Smooth Almond Butter. Experience Luxurious Creamy healthy eating with us.